Personnel Access Trench Support [PATS]

The Personnel Access Trench Support (PATS®) unit is designed to provide safe access into an excavated trench, where safety and time efficiencies are of the utmost importance. The model is available in a range of trench box sizes and can be used in multiples to continuously support a length of trench.

The unique design allows installation and removal to be completed in minutes. As suction pressures are significantly reduced during the extraction of the unit, quick redeployment cycle times can be achieved in a safe and timely manner. Compared to traditional shoring systems, our ready to deploy systems will save significant amounts of time and money.

For added safety, the PATS® unit is fitted as standard with a patent protected “Triple lock system” and Molyplate™, providing the ultimate solution in workforce protection from trench collapse. The Molyplate™ heavy duty mechanism eliminates the need for assembly prior to installation.


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